Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Bird Coloring Page Assignment

For my bird, I tried to use a series of pink feathers, some big some small,
and blend them together. This way, the bird looks a little bit more real.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Kaleidoscope Assignment

In the Kaleidoscope assignment I tried to use a lot of colors that blended nicely
with each other. So I used a series of blues, purples, and greens, and used 
a chalk board filter for the back round. 

Where's Waldo Assignment

I think this assignment was one of my favorites, it was sort of a collage that we had 
to create and incorporate our favorite things into it. Then we had to put ourselves as 
"Waldo" into it, can you find me?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Albrecht Durer Assignment

In this assignment, I have a picture of a dog that looks almost like it's carved in wood grain. 
 I had tried to find a picture that looked like a picture of my dog, Murphy. Then,
I used filters to make the dog look like it was carved in wood grain, as I said before, and 
I used a special filter in the back round to make the dog stand out more.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Edward Gorey Assignment

In this assignment, I had to draw a little scene related to a sentence
that rhymes with my name. So, my parents don't drive a Tribecca, 
but I used the sentence, " R is for Rebecca who drives a Tribecca"

Friday, September 19, 2014

Cartoon Yourself Assignment

For the "Cartoon Yourself Assignment" I pretty much just tried to copy how I looked, and 
to make my portrait pop I added the flower back round.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Cartoon Version of Masterpiece

For this assignment we had to take a masterpiece and either copy it, or add a cartoon
face into it. So I added the face of Mickey Mouse to the masterpiece Madam 
Matisse, the Green Line by Henri Matisse.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Scream Part2

The Scream Part2 is an assignment where you photoshop
your own face into the drawing. I also added a filter that 
looks like my face was drawn. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Scream Assignment

For this assignment, I didn't stray much from the
original. I did change the colors of the ocean and the
sunset a little bit though.

Mona Lisa Assignment

For this assignment, I changed the colors of the 
painting and the back round.